Ποιοτική Δημοσιογραφία και Νέες Τεχνολογίες

Data Journalism Assignment goes to EP

Data Journalism Assignment goes to EP
ECI has put together an Ad Hoc Research Team, assigned to produce a Data Journalism Project.
Titled "Aspects of Immigration: Business Integration and Normality", the projects examines related issues and impact of the economic activity of immigrant populations in Greece.
The team is hand picked from a total of 150 participants who were registered and partly or fully attended  the Data Journalism Seminar 2017 - 19. It was part of an initiative co-organized by ECI, the Office of the European Parliament in Greece, the Greek National Television (ERT), the Athenian - Macedonian News Agency, supported by the Representation of the  European Commission in Greece and a number of distinguished private entities.
The team consists of  journalists, academics and other experts. It implements methodology and Data Journalism tools, aspiring to present the product of their Research Spring 2019, at the European Parliament in Bruxelles, in a special event, organized by the Office of the European Parliament in Greece.

More info on the research team, here.


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Donau-Universität Krems


Artemidos 6 & Epidavrou,
151 25 Maroussi,
