ECI is proud to showcase the reknown “Botsis Foundation for Journalism Excellence” as a Senior Founding Partner.
ECI is further proud to participate in the “Botsis Journalistic Excellence Awards”, which is annually organized under the Auspices of the Presidency of the Republic, and is honored by the President, dr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos (photo).
In a special part of the Ceremony, ECI picks the Award Winner for a Special Award:
The George Carayannis Award for Journalism and Technology. The Late Professor G. Carayannis was both a member of the board in ECI and a ‘godfather’ to QJNT (Quality Journalism and New Technologies, Master of Arts, bilingual program, offered in Athens and Vienna).
ECI is monitoring closely developments in Hellas and Europe which rapidly change the ways we communicate and use/receive/shape/propagate the NewsFlow.
Therefore it has come to honor, with a unanimous vote, Journalist Vasilis Bitsis (photo) for:
Excellence in Setting Up and Directing the Hellenic Service of a Global Medium (Euronews).
Mag. Vasilis Bitsis career was found of outstanding value for the Hellenic News professionals’ family and his skills and (materialized) vision were found to be the attributes seeked in the Awards Selection Process.
Mag. V.Bitsis award was handed by dr.Vasilis Kikilias, Hellenic Parliament, Speaker for New Democracy. Mr. Bitsis distinction succeeds the 2016 one, awarded to ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk) and journalist Sonia Chaimada. See the story in Euronews.